Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Other Side of Therapy

I was sprinting through a survey today during a departmental meeting when I was confronted with this particular question on the form: "Are you satisfied with your job?" My momentum was shaken abruptly as I spent the next minute or so wondering how exactly I felt about it. The astounding rigidity of the endless levels of bureaucracy above me that obstructs the flow of ideas + the fatal red tape that suffocates real creativity VS the immense inner joy experienced in the simple act of lives touching lives.

The question was an easy one after all that shouldn't take me even a second to answer it. What other jobs are there that offers me the wonderful privilege of journeying together with fellow human beings towards hope? This experience is too precious to be labelled with a price tag. I often see snippets of myself in the very trainees whom I am journeying together with - the fear of isolation and rejection, the anxiety to prove one's worth, the need to be accepted and appreciated, the dilemma of desire and fear of deeper intimacy, etc. As I go about healing and guiding them towards hope and recovery, I often do get reminded about my very own human condition. Indeed, I confess that I have learnt a lot about life as well as myself from all of you guys in the process of therapy with you. We are all human after all, learning to live, love, give and receive. Cheers.